









第一、 在這些商場的零售店,除電器舖外,多數是外資或者最起碼是中外合資品牌,賣的也主要不是國產品牌。




專注炒股 不理生意


另外,筆者也發現在上海內環和北京的金融街至三環那些和商場一起的新建辦公樓 ,就算下面的商場再大、再美、再旺場,辦公樓的「水牌」 顯示有些層數(整層)是空租的。



11 則留言:

Luke 說...

Very true!

What's 「四金」?

P friend 說...

Just a summary of the up-pushing forces and down-pushing forces for PRC property markets

The price up-pushing forces for the PRC property markets

a) KPI of Provincial Governors
- The performance of provincial governors are highly linked to the local provincial GDP growth, in which the most direct way to boost up the GDP under 2008 Financial Tsunami is to build real properties, such as railways, roads, and residential and commercial buildings. It pulls up the local demand of construction industry and accompanying industries like raw materials production/manufacturing. Therefore, the provincial capitals obtained from the state-owned banks like BOC and CCB is largely pooled into the provincial constructions. Under such huge construction demands, all the properties pricing are pulled up materially.

b) Central Government Financing Demands
- The Central Government had announced the RMB4,000 billions fiscal expansionary policy to boost the PRC economic growth to achieve the target 8% GDP growth in 2009. Half of the financing of the RMB4,000 billions are made by Central Government, while the provincial government needs to finance rest of the demand. Therefore, the most useful tools for the provinces to finance such large sum of money are by means of selling lands and buildings. The higher price the province sold, the faster the province hit the targets. Hence, the provinces are using various tools to push the real estate market up.

c) Investment / Speculation Demands
- Owing to the few investment channels available for the PRC investors, most of their capital is either invested in stocks or real properties. The investment demands are more than the real residential demand.
- Owing to the low mortgage rates

d) Anticipated rising trend
- Formation of the properties market trends direct investors the thinking of up ward price increments of properties.

The price down-pushing forces for the PRC property markets

a) Monetary Policy
- Increase bank required reserve ratio, market operations, and discount window to reduce the money supply (i.e. mainly measured by M2)
- increase the credit policies of state owned banks for lending mortgage loans to buyers

b) Transaction Costs
- Increase the capital gain tax, stamp duties on land and properties transactions

c) Holding Costs
- Increase the annual properties market tax based on market value of the properties, which increase the cost of carry

d) Administration Barriers
- Restrict/Increase barrier for investors to buy second or more properties
- Increase the governmental administration time for transactions
- Only local provincial citizens can register for S&P of real properties located in that province.
- Restrict the holding period of land and buildings between sale and completion and increase such cost of carry

d) Properties Supply
- Increase scale and speed of building of the residential properties constructed by provincial government

e) Regulations
- Increase the fines and penalties of regulatory violations
- Regulation of the State Owned Enterprises to involve in property markets investments

聰聰 說...


聰聰 說...

Half of the financing of the RMB4,000 billions are made by Central Government, while the provincial government needs to finance rest of the demand.

->The central government contributes a quarter of the 4 trillion only!
->China's budget deficit is expected to reach 1 trillion yuan this year!

[Beijing is unlikely to acknowledge the debts as its own. That means future defaults could be left for banks to mop up. UBS expects 2009’s credit expansion to create up to 3 trillion yuan ($439 billion) of non-performing loans over the next few years, mainly because of lending to local governments.

That 3 trillion yuan is equal to 10 times the 2008 earnings of the three largest listed banks and would be enough to bring the non-performing loan ratio in the banking system up from less than 2 percent to 9 percent, based on current asset levels.]

Luke 說...

Love to read you guys' articles!

Is it really happened?:
c) Holding Costs
- Increase the annual properties market tax based on market value of the properties, which increase the cost of carry

"the non-performing loan ratio in the banking system up from less than 2 percent to 9 percent, based on current asset levels."

P friend 說...

The US FedReserve is going to make repo with banks which is an indication of launch of contractory monetary policy.

No central banks want to make contractory monetary policy through increase of interest rates, as they fear of formation of asset bubbles.

The reason is that as most of the countries are now having very low interest rates for deposits or savings, if anyone of the pretty economic healthy country announce the increase of interest rates, then speculators shall use carry trade to short JPY or any other low cost of carry currency, and long that higher interest rate currency. Once the capital flows into that country, the cash will flow into stocks and real estate, and once this happens, the asset price of that country will rise, and once it rise, and the central bank is not able or willing to cap the rise, then the currency rise anticipation will form, which leads further inflow of international capital until the asset bubbles burst.

So PRC Central Bank only increase the bank required reserve ratio, and tightening the credit policy of state owned banks, instead of increase of deposits rates. while US Fed Reserve only do the repo instead of increase the target Fed Fund Rate.

聰聰 說...

Is it really happened?:
c) Holding Costs
- Increase the annual properties market tax based on market value of the properties, which increase the cost of carry


聰聰 說...

Once the capital flows into that country, the cash will flow into stocks and real estate

->it may or may not be true, depending on many other factors!

->don't you think that it would be the case if the country is the US?

P friend 說...

Is it really happened?:
c) Holding Costs
- Increase the annual properties market tax based on market value of the properties, which increase the cost of carry

Right, it is just proposed by some government officials, and not yet formally establish it. It is just like Property Tax charged by HK government periodically.

P friend 說...

聰聰 提到...
Once the capital flows into that country, the cash will flow into stocks and real estate
->it may or may not be true, depending on many other factors!
->don't you think that it would be the case if the country is the US?

Yes. It depends number of factors such as follows:
a) If the country is relatively politically and economically stable;
b) If the country has good /underprice stocks & real properties;
c) If the country has few other available investment opportunities other htan the stocks and real properties;
d) If the country's stocks and real properties markets are relatively liquid;

Overall, the cash flows to assets which is liquid (for withdrawal plan once anything goes wrong in that country), less overpriced/under priced, and with lucrative projected income.

Stocks and Real Properties may be selected under such criteria.

P friend 說...

我有些朋友在國內工作或讀書, 他們眼見國內大學亂加學額的結果令每年大學產出的大學生多達650萬之眾(真是超英趕美)的惡果,在一個作為世界工厰,以加工業和出口為經濟發展主業的國家來說,這樣只會導致大學生一文不值,更令人憂慮的是畢業生的人數已經成為結構性的問題,不是一下子就可以減產的了..

Anthony Ng "大學生再不是天之驕子,濟南391名大學畢業生爭聘5個掏糞工職位。央視當紅主持人朱軍認為大學生掏糞犀利,因為無論是在思維還是掏糞工具的使用上,大學生都將使中國擺脫傳統意義上的掏糞。朱大主持人少說些皇家電視台之類昏話,那才真正犀利;要不就是自己去當一回掏糞工,學習一下新聞史上陶糞工人的角色。"


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