



  金融海嘯一周年,媒體紛紛「翻舊賬」,道德風險、死不足惜、reform, what reform?……或不留情面,或語帶雙關,矛頭直指貪得無厭的賓架。

  老畢一介凡夫,無資格站在道德高地說三道四,但常言道得好,你有張良計,我有過牆梯,趁 G20 本周四、五在美國匹茲堡召開高峰會議,金融監管議題炙手可熱,在下試從近日一宗實例,探索探索道高一尺,魔高一丈的問題。



  巴克萊上星期宣布,計劃以123億美元向一家新成立的基金公司─—Protium—─出售一批不良證券化資產。集團在公告中說,Protium 以開曼群島為基地,法律上屬「獨立」機構。然而,從 Protium 由兩名前巴克萊高層打骰、所購入的百餘億美元不良信貸組合,資金全數來自巴克萊一筆十年期貸款可見,所謂「獨立」,有名而無實。


  企業之間的關連交易,只須申報清楚、闡明利益,符合監管要求便可。這樣看,巴克萊向 Protium 出售不良資產、交易百分百由巴克萊負責融資,本身並無不妥。可是,若非旨在規避監管(巴克萊須為巨額借貸作充足壞賬準備,交易涉及的不良資產將以貸款形式留在銀行資產負債表),亦不是為了釋放資金強化借貸業務(不良資產只是換了個形式存在,Protium 交易不會產生釋放資金,讓巴克萊得以多做其他貸款生意之效),非驢非馬,這宗交易所為何事?

  正如前述,Protium 在法律上是一家「獨立」機構,借巴克萊的錢買入巴克萊的不良資產,銀行雖有必要為收購涉及的巨額貸款做足撥備,但根據會計規例,「有毒證券」由 Protium 接收後,巴克萊毋須再為相關資產按市值入賬(mark-to-market),對降低這家英資大行的盈利起伏大有幫助。此招在效果上形同左袋交右袋,既有轉移毒資產的實效,與監管條例又無牴觸,當局即使有心一管,亦只能嘆句鞭長莫及。

  值得一提的是,Protium 弗人跟巴克萊雖有千絲萬縷的關係,但由於其員工法律上並非受僱於巴克萊,這家基金公司的行政人員薪酬多高、花紅多厚,一概不屬銀行管轄範圍;也就是說,毋須向監管機構交代。

  今年初為信貸危機著書立說的《金融時報》記者 Gillian Tett,對巴克萊的做法打了一個有趣的比喻:在 Protium 交易的巧妙掩飾下,有毒資產給一股腦兒掃進「地窖」(cellar),巴克萊這間金融巨宅的「廳堂」,看上去乾乾淨淨、一塵不染。可是,到「地窖」裏一瞧,藏於其中的污垢,只怕出動十架八架垃圾車也載不下。

  在各國政府大聲疾呼加強監管下,巴克萊先例既開,其他金融機構照辦煮碗的誘因肯定大增,從有毒資產到高層薪津,銀行借「獨立」機構陽奉陰違、暗渡陳倉的例子,今後勢必陸續有來。Moral hazard ? You bet !


  聯儲局公開市場委員會(FOMC)閉關兩天後宣布,聯邦基金目標利率維持在0-0.25厘水平,同時對美國經濟前景作出自去年9月雷曼倒閉以來最樂觀的評論。雖則如此,FOMC 認為美國經濟復蘇力度不足以讓聯儲局在現階段撤回龐大的支持金融體系措施;換句話說,「退市」言之尚早。


  《信壇》健筆 Chan David 在議息結果公布後發表意見,指減購按揭證券看似小事,實則牽一髮動全身。美國許多存貸公司、房利美、房貸美,以及為「兩房」證券打包的公司,全賴政府間接泵錢才能苟延殘喘,一旦失去政府支持,斷供潮不難重現,資產市場再洗牌不奇。



  其實,依賴政府間接泵水始能存活的公司,又豈止大兄所提的那些,隨便列個清單計計數,注資銀行用了1734億(美元.下同)、拯救 AIG 用了698億、汽車公司778億,此外還有協助置業人士紓困的500億,這還未計諸如挽救瀕臨破產航空公司等有待落實的計劃。可以說,對經濟樂觀者看到的「綠芽」,完全建基於政府和央行大規模干預,當局一旦抽身,經濟復蘇可以支持幾耐?









  購買按證是量寬政策的一部分,相關消息成了市場焦點。較少人注意的是,首次置業者每戶8000美元的政府「補貼」,有效期將在今年11月30日屆滿。NAR 的數字顯示,「上車一族」在7、8兩月為美國住宅銷售貢獻了三成,這項措施終止後,房屋買賣和樓價會點?



  眾所周知,科網泡沫爆破後,格老以房地產泡沫之。在2005年美國樓市高峰期,要買入一間中位價房屋(以S&P╱ Case-Shiller美國二十個城市樓價指數中位值為準),得用上四百九十盎斯黃金。樓市泡沫爆破後,一則樓價大幅下滑,二則金價牛市已成,樓價對黃金比率持續下降。今時今日,一間美國中位價房屋,一百六十盎斯黃金便有交易,比率重返1988年水平。






3 則留言:

匿名 說...

正如前述,Protium 在法律上是一家「獨立」機構,
IAS27 - Legal entity should be consolidated if the parent company has controlling interests in another entity. Control - ability to control financial and operating policies - should be assessed based on the number of criteria such as (a) voting right percentage in shareholdings; (b) voting right percentage in board; (c) any contract entered to let one entity to dominate another entity's financial and operating policies even the one only holding minority interests and power.

Therefore, Protium, as a SPV, needs not to be consolidated under IFRS.

借巴克萊的錢買入巴克萊的不良資產,銀行雖有必要為收購涉及的巨額貸款做足撥備. 但根據會計規例,「有毒證券」由 Protium 接收後,巴克萊毋須再為相關資產按市值入賬(mark-to-market),對降低這家英資大行的盈利起伏大有幫助。

The toxic assets (probably ABS and MBS which include CDO) may be classified as "Financial assets at FVTPL" previously by Barclays and its fair value changes are reflected in Barclays' profits and loss immediately and makes its' financial performance highly volatile. If these toxic assets are sold to Protium, which is financially supported by the loans borrowed from Barclays, Barclays is able to eliminate these "Financial assets at FVTPL" in its balance sheet and let it become "Available for sale (AFS)". The fair value changes of AFS is reflected in equity reserve instead of profits and loss, therefore the net profits/(loss) of Barclays can be smoothed.


Tax heavens countries such as BVI and Cayman Islands have this legal practices for long time to allow various form of entities (e.g. companies, partnerships, unit trusts, mutual funds) to incoporate and help them to hide their financial details. Even you perform company search, the reports given by the local authority only disclose very few details of the companies. Therefore, many company such as Alibaba group has group structure that the listed company is hold by the unlisted ultimate parent which incorporated in these tax heavens countries. Many assets and liabilities and RPTs are dealed via this ultimate parent company. It makes very difficult to trace the real counterpary of these transactions. The purpose of many groups is to hide ultimate counterparty, escape local regulations (tax evasion - regulatory arbitrage), and money laundering.

P-friend 說...

Further comments for SPV

SPV/SPE is a legal entity a company can be utilised for specific purpose such as follows:

a) Property holding vehicles, which has only major assets - property in its financial positions. It eases for future transactions to lower tax charged (e.g. stamp duty)/tax efficient increasing purpose;

b) Structured investment vehicles (SIV), which is designed to utilise highly skilled financial techniques to gain arbitrage interests income from low interests bearing borrowing (normally short term instruments) and high interests bearing investments (normally long term instruments);

c) Products repackaging vehicles, which is used to synthesize various new structured products (such as CDO, CLN, ABS, and asset swaps) from existing financial products or/and modify risk/return payoff profiles of the products. Example like Lehman Brothers related Minibonds and Constellations, they are a sort of CLN. The issuer is the SPV and the investors are the retail Hong Kong people.

Despite various purpose, one common theme is to segregate the assets and liabilities clearly between original parent company and SPV in order to enhance clearer set of accounts, enhance creditworthiness of the assets hold by the SPV, or to enhance the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) in the bank cases to fulfil the Basel II requirements if the SPV is able to escape from consolidation into the bank accounts according to applicable laws and financial reporting standards.

For some cases, they are used for illegal purposes such as Enron/Arthur Anderson cases, Enron set up around 3,000 SPV to hide its liabilities and create continual super growing revenue in the Enron company.

To successful implement the SPV program for not being consolidated, the company needs to look into the IFRS (especially IAS 27 and SIC-12), and US GAAP (especially FASB Interpretation No 46(R) regarding the definitions of Variable Interest Entity (VIE))

The SPV needs to be incorporated in tax heavens countries like British Virgins Islands and Cayman Islands and held by Charitable Trusts incorporated there. A company can donate money to the trust as the start up capital. The trustee and the SPV management must not be employee of that company. The trustee should receive money from the SPV and donate it for charity activities regularly to fulfil the charity purpose in its entity charter (e.g. articles of associates or memorandum of associates). The company can sell its assets to the SPV, which issue funding program (e.g. bonds) to attract new investors to buy the SPV’s bonds. The funding SPV obtained can be used to purchase the assets sold by the company. The SPV management should appoint the company as servicers to provide accounting, administration, and interests collection activities. The company therefore can eliminate its original assets from its balance sheet and still able to continuously receive revenue as servicers. The company can then free up the capital for further investments and operations.

I hope this illustration can give you all guys (or girls if any) better understanding of the purpose and operations of SPV/SPE.

聰聰 說...


關鍵是,在金融海潚的威脅下,加上官商間千絲萬縷的關係(例如Goldman Sachs與華府),各國政府更加不會去除此等漏洞!


