
投資筆記 - 金銀鉑供需及蘊藏量







1. 珠寶飾品:68.4%
2. 工業、牙科用:13.1%
3. 金塊、金幣:12.4%
4. 投資(e.g. ETF):6.1%

1. 印度:774噸
2. 中國:326噸
3. 美國:278噸
4. 土耳其:249噸
5. 沙烏地阿拉伯:129噸
6. 阿拉伯聯合大公國:107噸

1. 澳洲:280噸
2. 南非:270噸
3. 中國:250噸
4. 美國:240噸
5. 秘魯:170噸
6. 俄羅斯:160噸
7. 印尼:120噸
8. 加拿大:100噸

1. 南非:6,000噸、14.5%
2. 澳洲:5,000噸、12.0%
3. 秘魯:3,500噸、8.4%
4. 俄羅斯:3,000噸、7.2%
5. 美國:2,700噸、6.5%
6. 印尼:1,800噸、4.3%
7. 加拿大:1,300噸、3.1%
8. 中國:1,200噸、2.9%
9. 其他:17,000噸、41.0%

1. 美國:8,133.5噸
2. 德國:3,412.6噸
3. IMF:3,217.3噸
4. 法國:2,508.8噸
5. 意大利:2,451.8噸
6. 中國:1,054.0噸
7. 瑞士:1,040.1噸
8. 日本:765.2噸
9. 荷蘭:621.4噸
10. ECB:533.6噸







1. 珠寶飾品:47%
2. 銀器、珠寶飾品:25%
3. 相機底片:16%
4. 官方發行的錢幣:4%
1. 投資:8%

1. 美國:5,778噸、22.1%
2. 日本:4,264噸、16.3%
3. 印度:2,575噸、9.9%
4. 其他:13,525噸、51.7%


1. 秘魯:3,400噸
2. 墨西哥:3,000噸
3. 中國:2,700噸
4. 澳洲:2,000噸
5. 智利:1,400噸
6. 波蘭:1,300噸
7. 美國:1,220噸
8. 加拿大:1,200噸


1. 波蘭:51,000噸、18.8%
2. 墨西哥:37,000噸、13.6%
3. 秘魯:36,000噸、13.2%
4. 澳洲:31,000噸、11.4%
5. 智利:26,000噸、9.6%
6. 美國:25,000噸、9.2%
7. 加拿大:16,000噸、5.9%
8. 其他:50,000噸、18.4%




鉑的主要需求國:(2007年,Johnson Matthey)

1. 歐洲:81.7噸、37.4%
2. 中國:39.3噸、18.0%
3. 北美:33.7噸、15.4%
4. 日本:32.5噸、14.9%
5. 其他:31.4噸、14.4%

鉑的主要生產國:(2007年,Johnson Matthey)

1. 南非:156.6噸、76.9%
2. 俄羅斯:28.3噸、13.9%
3. 北美:10.1噸、5.0%
4. 其他:8.7噸、4.3%

5 則留言:

P friend 說...


因為知你都對黃金/金幣有興趣,所以請你講解下 Gold Lease Rate, Gold Forward Offer Rate(GOFO), Interbank Offer Rate (IBOR)such as LIBOR, Gold future price的相互影響.

聰聰 說...






Luke 說...

So complicated...

匿名 說...

Just reponse from the last questions regarding the relationships among gold pricing, gold lease rate and LIBOR

Due to the central banks gold lending activity to gold borrowers (such as gold miners and gold refiners), who can sell the gold to the markets and make USD deposits in banks to earn arbitrage free interest income, if gold lease rate is lower than LIBOR. Hence, I found the following equation for determining the gold forward/future price, which bind the relationship among gold spot price, gold lease rate and LIBOR.

F0 = S0*e^{(r –q)T}
r: continuously compounded risk free annual rate (LIBOR)
q: continuously compounded paid per annum (gold lease rate)
T: time to maturity (years)
S0: current underlying asset price (t=0)
F0:current forward price
^: index factor

Therefore, higher LIBOR and lower gold lease rate make gold forward/future price upswing.

Some explanations of underlying lending activities are like that, for example, if gold lease rate increase substantially and LIBOR remains stable, then gold producers will normally speed up their gold production process and increase the future supply of gold, and makes price downwarding pressure thereotically.

As such, it is normally in contango gold forward/future curve unless gold lease rate is higher than the LIBOR such as in year 1995and year 1999 (Washington Agreement).

Besdies, I also noticed that the gold lease rate is normally maintained at very low level within 0.1%pa to 0.5%pa. Thus, there should be substantial arbitrage activity. Per information, 1,000,000 ounces gold lending with maturity range to 10 years is feasible to transact, although normally maturity is range for few months to half year.

In additions, I agree with you that such pricing model is intrinsic and the spot and forward/future prices are highly influenced by the market spectaculation cashflow and central bank manipulations. Therefore, the pricing is for reference only. However, such selling of gold by borrowers do increase the market pricing efficiency by enabling short positions of gold.

匿名 說...

Further eleborate the interrelationship of the driving factors as follows

a) Gold spot price driven
If gold spot price is in increasing trend, borrowers will decrease gold borrowing as selling the borrowed gold into the market at spot price will lock the selling price and profits. The decreasing borrowing will decrease the gold lease rate and it will widen the LIBOR – gold lease rate spread if LIBOR remains stable. It will steepen the gold forward / future price contango curve. The effect is vice versa if gold spot price is in decreasing trend.

b) Gold lease rate driven
If gold lease rate increase and LIBOR remains stable, borrowers (miners and refiners) will speed up gold production processes to reduce interest expenses in gold borrowing, increase gold supply in future, and make decreasing pressure for gold futures / forwards price and flatten the gold forward / future price contango curve.
If gold lease rate increase and LIBOR remains stable, the spread becomes narrow, and decrease the arbitrage activities for selling gold and makes USD deposits. It makes increasing pressure for LIBOR. As LIBOR increase may widening the spread, and steepening the gold forward / future price contango curve (counteract effect – may in minor influence).

c)LIBOR driven 
If LIBOR increase with gold lease rate remains stable, the spread becomes widen. It will steepen the gold forward / future price contango curve immediately, and increase the arbitrage activities for selling gold and makes USD deposits (assume the deposits have limited effect on LIBOR), it will increase the gold lease rate later.